Yesterday, me, my sis and my uncle and also my cousin sis celebrated the 2012 countdown at MITC, Malacca
so.. I thought there will be some big fireworks and all that beautiful explosive things that are so beautiful will be showed. but.. unfortunately NO.
damn. haha . but.. there are motorcycle showcase there . so , it was kinda fun . with all the perverted boys that want me to take their pic , and I ignored them . :] LOL xD *that's not fun at all!!*
LOL . NO! that's not the end.
ah.. I just remember! Yeolie-pop have tweet!
120101 - Twitter - Sungyeol
늦은새해인사!!!! 2012년의 첫해가 뜨기전에 소원은 다들빌고잤죠?! 소원못말한이쁜이들은 내가 대신빌어줄게요♥ 새해 복 많이 받으세요 -2012 년 첫 트윗 서방올림♥-
A late new year’s greeting!!!! Everyone made a wish and slept before the 1st sunrise of 2012 came up, right?! To the pretties who couldn’t make a wish, I’ll wish for you instead ♥ Receive a lot of new year’s luck -2012’s first tweet sincerely from, your husband ♥-
trans. cr; hyejin @ infinite updates ; take out with full credits
so cute! husband? OMO~~ okay, YeoYeollie~ *Sungyeol+yeobo*
Sunggyu also update his twitter!
120101 - twitter - sunggyu
여러분~~!! 새해 복 많이 받으십시오~ 새해엔 모두모두 전세계인이 행복하시길… p.s 세계평화
Everyone~~!! Receive a lot of new year’s fortune~ I hope that everyone in the whole world could be happy in the new year…. p.s: World peace
trans. cr; hyejin @ infinite updates ; take out with full credits
LOL! World peace?? OTL! peace yo!
okay, back to my history . . .
in 2011 , there are so many happy and sad things happened .
for example , my class ; a.k.a our class , 3RK2 are the best class ever in my life after 6G(2008) .
These two classes are the daebak!! The best ever!! I will never forget all the special memories of you.
you guys know that I love you alls so much? so , in 2011 year , my wish came true . I mean, I got my ZE:A's DVD , uhm... all K-pop stuff? and this year, 2012, I'm gonna saving up to buy more CD and DVD's! I love 2011! I will never , ever forget 2011 because, that year was SO AMAZING! *just like Infinite's Amazing :)*
oh and, I think , 2011 is Infinite's year!
yeay!! They have win many awards~ new dorm! *that is the same place as A Pink.. :)*
so nice~ so.. 2011 ended in the way I want! Thank you Allah!! :) I love you !! :)