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Thursday, March 17, 2011

[TRANSLATION] ZE:A’s Yozm update

광희의 휴식모드~! 오늘컨셉은 진지 ㅋ
Kwang Hee resting pose~! Today concept is sincere ㅋ

동준이 자다가 일어났대요~!!!!!!!!
Dongjunnie just wake up~!!!!!!!!

엠카 컴백무대가 끝났어요~ 오늘9시 벅스 스타방송도 많이 많이 함께해 주세요!!!! 벅스뮤직에서 제 국의아이들을 검색하면 함께하실수 있답니다!
Ended Mcoundown comeback stage~ Please do support us at today bugs star radio at 9pm!!! Look for us during bugs music is also another way of staying with us!

벅스 방송 준비중인 광희 입니다!!!!!!
Bugs boardcasting, Kwang hee!!!!!!

제국의아이들 시완광희동준희철준영 방송중!!!!
ZE:A Siwan Kwanghee Dongjun Heechul Junyoung in the midst of boardcasting!!!!

지금은 방송중입니다!!!!!
Now we are having live boardcasting!!!!
Source: ZE:A Yozm
Translated by: shinhee@zeastylesg

this is Voice of My Heart

[TRANSLATION] Official fan-cafe message Taeheon

He is just a super SWEET guy I could say XD
All his fan-cafe message are always so sweet. How could I not translate this!
Taeheonnie ♡♡♡ Isn’t he sweet =D
Title: 으아아아아아아아아 삐용삐요삐요이잉 비상비상!!ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
My wives!! ♡
이제 방송이 끝나구~~
Boardcasting has ended~
회사왔지요 ^^ㅋ
Currently I’m at the office now ^^ㅋ
*drum beat sound*
첫방을 했어요~
Is our first boardcasting~
정말 오랜만에 하는 컴백무대라
It has really been such a long time for our comeback stage
긴장도 마니하구
We are nervous
오늘 개아났어요??
Today there’s flog??
내일 뮤뱅
Tomorrow music bank
사녹 오실꺼죠~?
Will you come as well~?
오셔서 남편들과 함께해요 ><히히
Please do come and support your husband >< Hee hee
마누라 쇼케이스도 무사히 마치고
Wives we stay with us during the showcase
오늘 첫방도 열심히 했으니까
Today boardcast, we also work hard as well
이제 더욱더더욱더 열심히
Now we will work more harder than before
노력하는 제국의아이들 남편들과 함께 평생가여~~
Forever with us, ZE:A husband~~
알라뷰 여봉 ><
I love you my wife ><
자주 쓴다고 약속했었는대 ㅠ
I promise to write more offen ㅠ
지키지못해서 죄송해요 ><
Sorry that I did not keep my promise
마누라 사랑해!! 내일도 보고 토요일도 보고 일요일도 같이해용~~♡
My wives I love you!! See you tomorrow as well as Saturday and sunday~~♡
Source: official fan cafe
Translated by: shinhee@zeasytlesg

this is Voice of My Heart

[TRANSLATION] Official fan-cafe message Hyungshik

Title: Here I am
드디어 제국의아이들이 컴백했어요 ^_^
Finally is ZE:A comeback stage ^_^
너무 오랜 공백시간을 가진탓인지
It’s took such a long time for us to get ready for our comeback
컴백무대가 데뷔무대마냥 떨리고 설레고 긴장까지되더라구요..ㅎㅎ
I get nervous and excited for both comeback stage and debut stage..ㅎㅎ
정말..정말 열심히 준비했는데
Really.. Really work hard and prepare for this
여전히 무대가 끝나고나면 아쉬움이 남는건 어쩔수없나봐요 ..
But still, I’m still afraid whenever the stage ends..
사실 저희 제국의아이들 멤버 모두가 모니터링을 많이 하고있어요
In fact, we, ZE:A, members are monitoring
그리고 저는 댓글이나 평가도 많이 보는편이구요 ^_^
and I, who give a lot of comment and valuation ^_^
제가 이런얘기를 꺼내는 이유는…..
The reason that I’m bringing this up is…..
저희 제국의아이들의 홍보마케팅을 맡아주시는거에요 !!!!!ㅎㅎㅎ
I’m ZE:A promtion makerting person !!!!!ㅎㅎㅎ
제 생각이지만~…
I think~…
어떠한 노래를 듣고있을때  옆에서 “와 이노래 정말 좋다 ~” 라고 누군가가 말한다면
I want people beside me who listen to our music and will say “wow, this song is really nice~” no matter who says it
그노래가 좋게 들릴수있다고 생각해요  하지만 그 반대로
Thinking that this song is a good song but in opposite
어떠한 노래를 듣고있을때 옆에서 ” 야 이노래 별로다 ” 라고 누군가가 말한다면
and also people beside me who listen to our music and will say “Ya, this song is not very nice” no matter who says it
그런가보다 할수있다고도 생각해요 ㅎㅎ
I can do it with this thinking ㅎㅎ
그러니까 제아스 여러분들이
So ZE:As everyone
최대한 많이 저희에 대한 홍보를 해주시는거에요!!
Make full use of this opportunity to promote us!!
어디든 상관없이 !!
No matter where you are from !!
부탁드려도 될까요 ?? 우리 제아스 여러분  ^_^
May I have this request grand ?? Our ZE:As everyone ^_^
이제 저희 제국의 아이들도
Now We are ZE:A
열심히 음악방송,라디오,행사,예능 외 다수 많은 활동을 하면서 노력할테니까
Who will work hard in music show, radio show, events and variety show
우리 제아스도
Our ZE:As
제국의아이들을 사랑하는마음을 마음껏 대방출(?) 해주세요
Please love ze:a with all your heart
오래 기다리셨죠??!!
You have waited long enough??!!
I love you♡
Source: Official fan-cafe
Translated by: shinhee@zeastylesg

this is Voice of My Heart

ZE:A - Here I Am

their performance at McountDown!!!!!
so sweet~~!
I'm looking forward for their performance at Music Bank~!!!!!!
ZE:A fighting~!!
this is Voice of My Heart

Star Empire explains why ZE:A does not have cell phones

Despite the fact that South Korea is home to 50 million cellphone users, idol groups are still headlining for not having one.  Boy group ZE:A, who’s currently preparing to promote their first official album, “Lovability“, is one of those groups.
Star Empire Entertainment prohibits their trainees and artists from having cell phones. They reasoned, “Trainees should focus on practicing their dancing and singing, it’s better that they don’t have cell phones.  In cases of emergency, they are allowed to borrow cell phones from the agency.”
Other agencies promise cell phones a year or two into the artist’s debut, and although ZE:A finally passed that landmark, they will not be getting cell phones anytime soon.  Representatives continued to explain, “Rookie singers must bow and greet their seniors and other program staff members when they’re at broadcast halls.  But if they have cell phones, they’ll most likely be walking around while checking their phones, and won’t be able to greet everyone properly.”
“A while ago, one celebrity did not greet a senior because she/he was busy texting and received a lot of criticism for that. In order to prevent such misunderstandings from happening, it’s better that they don’t have cell phones.”
Other groups like SECRET and CNBLUE are also prohibited from owning cell phones for those same reasons.  In the case of F.T. Island, the boys promoted without cell phones for two years, before they finally got them back after winning first place.
Musing over the increased rate of idol groups without cell phones, an industry representative stated, “The majority of idol groups live together in dorms, so even without cell phones, they don’t really have a need for it.  These days, tablet PCs and Twitters are used more often for communication.”
Source + Photos: IS Sports via Naver and

this is Voice of My Heart